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tel1: +48 697-154-075
tel2: +48 889-244-986
tel3: +42 723-989-399

CheckMate - "Sience of Art" Agency
Rybná 716/24
110 00 Praha 1
Stare Miasto
Republika Czeska


Tomasz Spera

Marcin Swoboda

MSC Cuises

Československo Má Talent

Doha Tribeca Film Festival


Chimelong Ocean Kingdom

Nejúspěšnější Sportovec Roku

Got Talent Poland

The Pearl in Qatar

Wrocław University of Technology


Le Royal

Cabaret Du Monde

European Capital of Culture in Wrocław

Sportsman of the year

Valtur Tanka Village

Valtur Colonna Beach

European Capital of Culture

Hotel Esplanade

Hotel Ambassador

Hotel Gołębiewski

Goldfingers Gentelman's Club


Privacy Policy

Dear clients,

To apply for new regulations, which get into in day 25th of May 2018, new formulars RODO, according to art. 13 ust. 1 i ust. 2 Regulation of the European Parliament (UE) 2016/679 day 27 of April 2016 r. In case to protect users according to processing personal data and fluent flow this data and repeal of the directive 95/46/WE (general regulation of data protection ) called next „RODO" I inform, that:

1. Administrator of your data is:

CM-agency - „Sience of Art Agency“.

Szymon Flis

Rybná 716/24
110 00 Praha 1
Staré Město
Česká Republika

CM-agency inform, that use many different tools, for example:

– Google Analytics and cookie files:

I use Google Analytics – it is tool for analysis statistics from www services, created by Google. Google Analytics use cookie files, which are saved on user computer and enable to creating webpage used by users. Information collected this way (IP adress too), are transfering to Google Inc. Servers in USA, where are kept. Use this data, Google monitoring motion on webpage and based on it, created raports for users activity on webpage and suggest another services associated with full used of webpage. Exist possibility to transfer information used by Google to third parts if it is compatible with regulations or if third parts deal to transform this data for Google errand.
Google provide that IP adress of user will not be connect with another data of Google Inc.
More details for terms of use and privacy policy, You can find on webpage:




User can block cookie instalation process for changing settings in internet browser.
It can cause incorrect action of some funkcions on webpage. User can prevent data generated by cookie, collected and processing by Google, to download and install plug, available on webpage:


– Google AdWords

On the webpage is used conversation follow free function, available in Google AdWords. Google care and protect clients and users data. Google put into user computer cookie files, every time when user click in advertisment. Cookie file extinguish after 50 months. This technology allow for remarceting actions. Remarketing attend to display advertisment of webpage to users, which visited it earlier, during visited another internet wepages. If user not allow for this action, it can refuse saved cookie files on computer, throught change browser settings, which make automatic option of support cookie files disactive. There is possibility to disactive cookie files, used by Google for conversion tracking throught make suitable browser settings, which blocked cookie files from Google. More information about advertisment adjust for requirements of the client and about resignation to sharing information from webpage browser to behavioral advertisment, You can obtain on webpage:


– Facebook pixel.

On webpage is installed Facebook pixel, belongs to Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. For its help, webpage obtain possibility to track users motion, which visited webpage, throught conversation monitoring or throught Facebook advertisment click. It allows for define of advertisment effectiveness for statistics and market research. Collected data are anonymous, what means that users data are invisible for CM-agency. Please note, that this data are collectedd and processed via Facebook, about what user has been informed, according to knowledge CM-agency have got. Facebook have got possibilities to connect this data with user Facebook account and applied it for any advertisment actions, according to Facebook privacy policy. In this case Facebook can use cookie files and another keep data technologies originating frm the webpage. More information for data protection and appriopriate settings You can find:


– Google Custom Search Engine

Webpage use Google Custom Search Engine (CSE). More information for data protection by Google, available here:


– Google Double Click

Webpage can use cookie DART files, to display advertisment by Google DoubleClick system, which create cookie files, when webpages have been visited and used DoubleClick advertisment system. This cookie file is been used for present advertisment, adjust to user interests. DART cookie files allows Google and its partners to display user concrete advertisment, as a basement their invitation webpage in another webpages. DART system track personal information, like name, email adress, personal adress and mobile phone number. User have got possibility to resign of use cookie DART file. To make it, need visit resign advertisment webpage:


More information possibility to find on webpage:


To use Network Advertising Initiative webpage:


It is possibility for summary used cookie files resignation, used by advertismant deliveries.

– Social plugs.

On webpage are used social plugs, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. During visit webpage by user, browser created directly connection with social webpages servers. Contents of plug has been sent directly from social portal to user browser and next has been integrated with webpage. When plug is on, social network receive an information about visit concrete webpage by user. In situation when user is login in one or more social networks, they can relate visitation with user account. During use plug for example throught click "Like it" button, browser will send right information to Facebook, where it will be preserved. To obtain more information for objectives and ranges of collect and process data and them use by social networks need to get acquainted with privacy policy contents of the portal. In this way, user can get information about his rights and arrangements allows for protect privacy. Webpage contents directly links to social networks mentioned above.

CM-agency, does not responsible for services, testified by this subjects. This subjects do not have got possibility to match user IP adress to personal data, collected by webpage. To obtain detail information for privacy policy on indicated portals, need to visit webpage of concrete service provider.

Kind Regards.
Simon Flis.